
That’s his right to do so as i am sure all you rights nazis are fully aware

eh but i rather watch david ortiz extend his career or edgar martinez have a career than pedro martinez stand 4 feet off the plate with his bat on his shoulder

as a yankee fan what david robertson did was pretty fun...won’t argue if more or less fun than a triple

if they don’t sign kapernick by the time i hit ‘publish’ the league and its owners are racist and he is being blackballed

unfortunately he’s also remained hidden during his first few games in Oakland too

stop beating around the bush and just say his penis is roughly the size of isiah thomas

give minutes to a world-historically hilarious and insane Love-LeBron-Wade-J.R.-Rose lineup

trump does and says some aweful things but this doesn’t seem to be one of them

rated an 8.5? hm what would the copy i found be worth? note most of the pages are stuck together

so if you do an act of protest but no one sees it is it still a protest?

blackballing is trick. let’s face it if kap had dan marino or joe montana or even mike vick ability one owner would be like screw this arrangement he can help my team i’m signing him.

“money cash hoes”

contributed to the vicious cycle by selling drugs to addicts and gained popularity rapping about that life. after i was rich and had nothing to lose i kind of gave a crap about activism...and i like jay z’s music just saying

ask the dead men’s mothers if it is any better 20 years later

serious question how did 8 years with Obama as president pass with little to no discourse regarding confederate statues. Yet 8 months into Trump’s presidency its a hot topic he needs to get these statues removed?

“ that’s such a wildly uneven playing field you’re going to lose interest in most markets.”

1st amendment only protects the government silencing you not an employer.

i would bet the tv audience is diverse and some viewers face racial inequality and police brutality. as for season ticket holders i doubt many of them have faced either in their life

their fanbase? that’s tricky, to the league the $ is clearly from television revenue. to the owners (while they share in the tv revenue) they also have season ticket holders. i would go out on a limb and say most of the season ticket holders don’t face racial inequality of police brutality often.