
so they’ve lost 4 straight dating back to last year

but is it true? is it factual?

it’s randy moss...if jerry rice is the best WR ever (partially on longevity and consistency), moss may have been the most dominant and a given point in time.

i know draymond has touched a few crotches but i don’t he would intentionally touch crabbe crotch

next up you can buy the option before the game for $0.99 or after the game for $2.99

i’m sure he did it on his own (not sure actually) but if i did the same in 2016 noone would believe i did it on my’d def be trump.

so let me get this straight...protestors want others to be teolerant of their right to protest and remindyou of that right. but have an issue with an owner exercising his right to hire and fire people based on what he thinks is best for his team/business?

i agree 100%. the giants took a terrible DPI penalty that was like 40 yards. the scoring play was a formality after that.

i’m for it. they challenge for lesser things that are less likely to affect the outcome of a game.

it’s an example of voter intimidation.....just different voters being targeted

you’re mostly right except chirstie she was after 2 am and my oh my

never pitched but does the pitcher use his pinky? if not couldn’t a professional medical staff have wrapped it or liquid skin or something?

“act like you’ve been there before!”

the refs saw the PI but mistakingly called it on the giants

i believe the rule is helmet off in the field of play. he was out of the back of the end zone and went directly up the sideline. was never in the field of play with his helmet off...but it is him...

as long as it wasn’t a police officer it won’t get much attention. sad but true.

same here “the fact that there are numerous sensible proposals for how to pay players”

might be an e:60? but i saw it. the kid who played for San Diego is alive cause his dad was on their basketball team and they were at an away game when the suicide went down if i recall.

why not just put a line of chalk that extends from the rubber to the edge of the mound making it easier for an ump to see if the pitcher breaks the line, and if you get picked off challenge the call and the review can use the line and get the call right

it was chalk? move on