Jon Langevin

So, people spend money on credits to get some of the premium-tier content that isn’t available for Renown. I doubt that will change either. Some of those elite skins are sweet, I’ll definitely buy them.

In addition to season pass solution (which I do, esp to get early access to operators), I play with several guys that actually bank up their renown in preparation for the next season release. So they save up at least 50k renown, which allows them to purchase both operators on release.

iirc, replaced != removed

Considering the Dem party coordinated to ensure that Hillary was the candidate, regardless of the real challenge that Bernie posed, you still want to act like he totally lost the popular vote and should just shut up?

Many people were so anti-Hillary, that they voted Trump, despite not agreeing with Trump. That’s

iirc, Jennifer Holliday is not performing at the event now.

Wanting to kill in real life is a wholly separate matter from killing in a game. Get a clue

Pereira was more aggressive in rounds 2 and 3, despite not delivering much damage. Letourneau gave up after the first round, forgetting you have to score points in TWO rounds out of 3. She deserved to lose with that performance.

Also the creator of Counter-Strike got hired by Valve iirc. Many various mod creators have gone on to form their own actual studios.

Modder likely increased size without adjusting collision

some sort of idiot

My wife often leaves the cap off her water bottle, but usually right next to each other. Or the cap is on, but loose. Her friends, on the other hand, open a bottle and throw the cap away (or just away from themselves). It’s a friggin’ mine field in my house after they’ve been over for a few hours. Not fun when I have

Wrong. Daymeeuhn even detailed why kengi’s experience doesn’t match, it’s because kengi is playing differently, so he’s not seeing the same bugs. Check the Reddit for details.

There a lot of hype, but that doesn’t equate to everyone knowing about it. Most people I know don’t follow E3, or IGN, etc, so how would they know about the game aside from my incessant hyping about it?

There are many galaxies in the game, because it all comprises a large universe...

Those people likely don’t know the book even exists.

For me the question is, is it worth my time and effort to drive 30 min to Best Buy, to deal with traffic, crowds, and poor customer service, or instead order on Amazon?

Not sure this is really representative of “Bellator”, but rather a reflection on the referee and whatever group employs him. Afaik, the MMA promotion (Bellator, UFC, etc) has no real say on what referees are used, they don’t provide instruction to the referees, etc, it’s a unified ruleset that the referee follows and

Seems a bit racist for them to simply assume a player in the NFL would know what a “purple drink” typically tastes like... :-X

Yeah, he probably wears glasses