
Back in Halo 3 I made ScoutzKnives and even made a game variant for it with the low gravity and all. I just checked the Bungie website so I could post pictures and for some reason all of the pictures were deleted. Sadness :-(

Welp, you got a response from the guys who made the movie. Might as delete your account or apologize or something.

Oh wow, I just discovered that Kotaku featured this guy before. Sweet.

For those of you who appreciate the hard work by the 3D artists and designers, I would recommend checking out these pictures:

Haha, yes. I remember seeing that guy in the header GIF on TV last night and I thought to myself "I'm going to see a GIF of that on Deadspin tomorrow." You guys are on the ball.

Welp, I took the liberty to screenshot my favorite part

Just browse for five minutes then try to say that isn't art. Some of the stuff that people put on there is just mind-blowing.

I worked in consumer electronics for four years so I can tell you that the answer is yes, definitely.


1:28 needs to be a GIF

Don't tell me what to do.

Scientists don't like blanket accusations.

Is a penis still drawn if no one is around to see it?

Yeah, I mean I'm surprised they haven't done that a long time ago. I would think that if people had the ability to comment they would have more of an incentive to read Kotaku on their phones. More people, more clicks, more ads, more money.

Super sad face. I read the title and thought it was going to be a Kotaku app. I've wanted a Kotaku (/Gawker) app for a long time that will let me comment on articles. I've tried just loading the full website on my phone to make comments, but... forget about it.

I think Seth MacFarlane did the best so far this season. With already working in comedy and being as goofy as he is, he was a natural. He could be a cast member, along with Justin Timberlake, lol.

Wow, what a small world. This guy was in my wife's clan for call of duty. I never met him or even know his real name, but he was a cool dude on xbox. My wife just checked her friend's list, it says "last online yesterday". Very sad.

Welp, from what I've learned from South Park that just makes you a cynical asshole

Haha! I guess I should have added a smiley face or something, because apparently nobody can tell I was joking.

It's true. I have the story to prove it.