
Is it not? The logo in the bottom right corner says Watch_Dogs. I agree, it is cooler.

Here we go...1,000 POINT BRONUS!

If they keep the name then I can fully expect the next console to be the "Wii U I".

My wife and I are going back and playing through Borderlands this weekend. We're pretty excited for Borderlands 2. Only like 3 more months!

There's no telling for sure yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. I'm mostly going off of it being called "Battlefield 3 Premium" not "Battlefield Premium". If they confirmed that this is an entire franchise covered service then I would gobble it up like another man's face.

I see your point, but there are also plenty of people who don't have the limited edition and never got Back to Karkland...who might be interested in premium.

Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoyed it

Yep, I agree. Although the Vita is a nice piece of hardware, I think Sony won last year by default because Microsoft and Nintendo were so bad. MS left me with a bitter kinect taste in my mouth, and a bit worried for the direction of the industry. Hopefully they have listened to critiques and have a better showing this

Thank God, I thought I was going to have to watch it through IGN. I don't have cable so as much coverage as possible is appreciated. I watched it through Gamespot last year which was pretty decent actually.

Whoops, sorry for the double post. Thank you very much!

Dog loot with custom stats!

Dog loot with custom stats!

Back of the box for "Daisenryaku Perfect: Ruler of the Battlefield". My entry features real quotes!

There's not much of a story behind mine. My first online game was Delta Force 2 for the PC, and I quickly took to the sniping portion of the game (and pretty much my whole FPS career). After random names like "#1Moron" and "Ares" I decided that I needed something original so people could recognize me. This was back in