Jonesy Be Yours

I think the DNC and/or Clinton herself underestimated how effective a targeted 30-year smear campaign by the GOP was. The Democrat faithful didn’t buy it, of course, but it wasn’t the Democrat faithful she had to convince in the general.

I am white and friends with the author, not true.

Now, let us watch in amazement, as Bill (The Hoodie) Belichick signs him - after the earlier dispatching of Jimmy Garoppolo.

I have no idea of what you’re saying Kyla. Anyway. I’ll just leave this picture here.

A ha!!

Well I’m qwhite certain I know the reason...

Ya think?

Yours is the weirdest comment here.

I agree that he holds no respect (or has disrespect) for the flag for reasons he has cited.

Just download and re-upload it without sound and title it “Hero takes a stand against racist team name.”

I’ve never read a more divisive shite rag than the root. You’re the same as donald trump, you _______ idiots.

Too bad it wasn’t Drew Magary or Stephen Crockett getting punched in the dick.

This character raped that chick in revenge of the nerds and planted cameras in their sorority house... think about it.

Very impressive. Every time I try to imitate college I end up unspeakably lit and lose a shoe.

If you resort to calling a black man a white supremacist, you probably don’t have a good grasp of the issues you are discussing.

Rankings of Patriots Losses:

Catches like this should really help the Chicago Wildfire stay at the top of a division that includes such powerhouses as the New Orleans Hurricanes, the San Francisco Earthquakes and the South Carolina South Carolinians.