Jonesy Be Yours

dwaynehatesthe, Jason is too nice to say anything. Will you please fuck off. You don’t really upset anyone. You just sound like an asshole.

No man, she woke.

Actually, I take it back.

Things like this don’t happen in Canada.*

White savior.

The first 2 paragraphs of this article read like a novel.

“That being said, Day is not looking for the teacher, who has been employed by the school district for more than 16 years to be punished. She said her daughter likes the teacher, and Day truly believes it was a mistake. Still, however, the mother believes that every one of the students in the first-grade class and

dwaynehatesthetuckingeaglesman is not a good guest

Sorry. Don’t apologize for me. That asshole at the museum is acting alone.

Did you say anything to this guy?

Trial delayed to July.

Michael, is it best to leave the ship (if it is the Clotilde) under water and forgotten? Or, is it best to uncover it and make it some sort of reminder or monument?

I bet grandmother is super happy that you got him hooked on that pacifier again. Does she know?

If Janet had ripped off Timberlake’s pants, would he have been more culpable than she? Would it have been 50/50?

Go Pats go. Everyone let out a cheer!!

Hi. Never asked Panama anything but his opinion on interracial adoption issues. Never asked him why my friends adopted black kids.

That’s what my friend calls it. I called it his “tribe”. He corrected me and said that band was more appropriate.

Any conversation about divas in the NBA starts and ends with Kobe.

Sorry, too heavy for a Friday.

Hi Panama.