Whatever you say. Fuck Patch Adams. He doesn’t know shit, right? Treating all those people with nothing but laughter. What a deranged Doctor.
Whatever you say. Fuck Patch Adams. He doesn’t know shit, right? Treating all those people with nothing but laughter. What a deranged Doctor.
Until Google released their unified UI which can be installed on any Android phone via the Play Store... I wonder why they did that?
Except placebos do, in fact, help, and you’ve probably been prescribed placebos by your medical doctor as proof.
Except placebos do, in fact, help, and you’ve probably been prescribed placebos by your medical doctor as proof.
... really?
LMAO. Proven wrong, change the subject. Good job.
Apparently you missed the news of the iCloud leaks, or the Google Drive leaks?
LMAO. If my house burns down a hard drive with a few essays, pictures, and tax forms on it is the last of my worries.
Why would I put my personal data on a server with 24/7 access to any hacker that can let a cracking program run for days or weeks?
It was, at one point, consensus the Earth was flat.
Get with the times, Noah. It’s not called global warming anymore. It’s called climate change now, because the only real, scientifically proven climate change is cyclical and natural. The term “climate change” also includes the pseudoscience called global warming because Clinton’s and Gore’s tax credit pushing…
Why do people still watch this stuff? All these pop culture award shows are nonsense. Celebrity worship and giving a bunch of people awards who don’t even write their own music. It’s a fkn joke.
No joke. The management company that handles my apartment hasn’t changed my air filters in over a year. I live in the desert so it’s dusty as all hell. I also have a long hair heavy shed dog.
So let me ask you this: Do you think running full speed head first into a wall is safe? Was there ever a point in your life you thought it wouldn’t cause sever damage to your cranial region?
The Android emulators aren't gimped in any way.
Again, there are lightweight, non gimped Linux distros. There are even apps to run Android apps. What a surprise.
But why? Why install a gimped version of Linux when you can just install Linux?
So you’re only friends with people who have your phone number and can call you, text you, and send you pics directly?
He’s a musician. Those monitors are setup for recording. One is angled to be viewed while standing (singing, guitar). This is a common monitor configuration in home studios.