

I hope they let him keep it there.

" But still, it's amusing to see what happens when a display device is left wide open at a major retailer."

They are already playing big brother for many years, this is just another medium.

Good on the restaurant. Your actions online should no longer be protection from offline world consequences.

She deserves top prize. Very good work.

well then just give the rest of us some spaaaaaaaace to enjoy our dry cliche humour. you can always enjoy some cake whiles you wait, but don't lie about hating it.

"socially responsible...Gizmodo"


OMG!! Thank You for this article/rant. Thank you.

Experts at that position.

why is gizmodo the only site I have to fight against on my tablet? its so frustrating. half the time its just luck I'm able to comment.

lets not turn this into a Marvel vs DC thread please. comics are cheap to buy, we can all enjoy the numerous characters of every publisher equally without going to war over it.

Superman's weaknesses are:

I cant judge the quality of the movie from one picture, but as far as character design, i like what i see.

One man's poison is another man's meat.

what do you think of this?

last I checked other countries play "American sports" without having to diss on it like it doesn't matter. anything wrong with enjoying them and not being a jerk about it?

Its ok, that may look like a shotgun but its just a spork. Nothing to see here, move along.

or maybe the rest of the world have found a game that they can all enjoy that unifies people across many countries. better than one country playing many small sports and insulting the one everyone everyone else loves, like school bullies.