
Its soothing.

Last I checked Puella Magica Madoka is not a male oriented anime, its for anyone. What sets it aside from standard magical girl anime is its dark side, it introduces the consequence of death if a magical girl happy endings or some tall dark stranger with a rose in his pocket to save you at the last

I'm sure they are strong entrepreneurial women just earning money to fund their respective doctorates in high industry. We can forgive them their foibles.

Well i'm sure Kotaku can offer you a writing job if you asked nicely, you obviously have all the necessary credentials.

No biggie! Its all gravy ^_^

Ok thanks for the clarification. I'm not one for recreational drug taking, so i wanted to understand the motive of the article, considering its last sentence. I have been educated. :)

All i can say is that you rock. Perfectly said.

Is there a reason you are helping people pass a DRUG test? What is the reason? I don't get it. Please explain.


Why have i never seen this??? That was some funny ASS shiznit!!!

Did you remember the compass?

...and the world still spins and i'll play a good game of BF3 on console regardless.

I certainly hope there is plans for other mobile OS platforms so everyone can benefit.

@lamagnumrt: Thanks for the explanation. We dont have those ads here so it didnt make sense at all. btw, what does you name mean?

I dont get what this has to do with microsoft. I get the joke, but i dont get the Giz headline.

Dude chill out and move on, either stick with Windows or choose the others. Mango is filling alot of gaps and the next update may have what you want specifically. It will only get better.

hey, if i get to play the game with her, then cool.

If they could fit Gingerbread + Sense 2.0 on the lesser powered wildfire S then they can put on the original Desire.

