It’s in Massachusetts, that’s a rotary. Not a circle, not a roundabout, not an exchange, a fucking rotary.
It’s in Massachusetts, that’s a rotary. Not a circle, not a roundabout, not an exchange, a fucking rotary.
Also for $30 you can get a keyboard without a broken caps lock key.
Get a grip. BMW turn signal engineers manage to keep it together. Be more like them.
Whopper is the best IF it is made well. It is the burger with the most potential but rarely meats (get it) that potential.
I went to The Melting Pot a few months ago, it was pretty good, if a bit overpriced for food I had to cook myself while keeping track of time so I didn’t give myself food poisoning.
Yeah he didn’t just slip off the edge, he jumped that fucker.
What’s really incredible (at least to me) is that the driver not only survived, but wasn’t even gravely injured. Safety has really come a long way in modern cars.
Why are they still so afraid to just keep the double decker taco? But there actually are quite a few items that I’m looking forward to trying.
Hey, man, this is all some of us have going for us...
Chipotle was perfectly adequate. Not great, not excellent, but it was solid fast casual.
Is it “build a tolerance, you lightweight?”
Here’s why you should deep fry your turkey: All other ways of cooking turkey are trash, deep frying is the only good way to cook a whole turkey.
Longest I’ve been there was 4 nights. Flew in, two-day conference plus a golf outing and dinner at the end. I have never been more ready to get out of anywhere.
When David Foxx reached out to Jalopnik, he was on his 10th day of a 19-day vacation
I’ve heard it numerous times from repairmen: do not use vinegar as it will destroy the rubber seals and hoses! One of the leading causes of rubber damage is overuse of vinegar in dishwashers and washing machines.
The BK and Popeyes deals are best in terms of $ you save.
True story: almost 20 years ago as a young man I split 10's several times in a one hour session at a table in a major east cost casino and I kept winning to the tune of five digits. I was sitting center at a table with two older guys (70's or older) and they were absolutely losing their minds.
Would’ve been nice to actually see him running through the galaxy butchering gods. One on-screen kill doesn’t much count.
Part of that comes from Spider-man 3 problem. A directive by the powers that be to shove two hugely popular comics into one movie (Jane as Thor and the Gorr comic) The Gorr comic has this amazing storyline of three timelines of Thor (and his daughters) working together - which could have been two great movies instead…
I have not read a comic in decades, but it clear from what little was in the film that Gorr was truly a Darkseid level villain, and yet he was treated almost like a background character.