I think this is the first time someone has described me as “the media.” I finally made it! My parents will be so proud.
I think this is the first time someone has described me as “the media.” I finally made it! My parents will be so proud.
A “too materialistic” 1 year old? Ha.
You know, you guys give me a heart attack when you offer differing opinions framed as “corrections.” Makes me panic and think I quoted the source incorrectly or something. :P
The bulk/download all episodes of a podcast is long overdue! This completes my feature needs! I’ve been missing that feature since I moved to Overcast when Downcast started flaking out on me.
My 10-3-2-1-0 looks about like this—
Hey Kirk, remember when I was laying odds on how quick we were gonna get this comment?
Always remember: People just aren’t worth it.
If you’re calling people assholes because they don’t give a reason why they won’t go out with you, I can think of at least one right now.
Smart move on her part.
Wrong. A person doesn’t owe you an explanation for why they’re not interested. The fact that they’re not interested should be enough.
This is not to say that providing a reason wouldn’t be nice, or helpful. Just that people do not owe you a reason for saying no to a date or romantic overture.
Because, like the author says, sometimes people want to be “chased.” I’ve been in the other seat from the author: first woman I tried hooking up with in college acted just like her, and after she said no I left her alone. Then, I heard like a week later that she thought I was a loser who couldn’t read her signs…
It depends. A Japanese businessman expects to be asked seven times before he’ll accept an invitation.
Thank you. You presented the difference btw “jealousy” and “envy” in a very diplomatic way.
Okay, I’m sorry, but I think I have to be that guy: