melrose gibson

i get it man. their "art" is wild terrible. also they are spoiled sluts who should be FUCKING murdered. i can dig it.

I picked up sleeping dogs for real cheap off the ps network so I've been playing through that. It's hard boiled nonsense and a lot of fun.

Haha totally radical dude!

Aight I'm gonna go back and check out soon. I don't hate the noisy stuff he does but it does seem like he's chasing his old sounds and the smoother stuff seems like such a cool progression for him musically. I guess I'm one of the fans that's likes the songs about lakes and riding bikes.

I did spin it a few times but have been aware that I should sit with it a little more. On the cursory glances the noisier stuff, which wasn't bad either, was what stood out.

would wear that ozzy one though

i generally have no problem with the family and while they often do dumb vanity projects and/or are annoying, i think the people who take the position that they should die in a car crash or we should line the streets with their heads or whatever are usually more annoying.

the song is pretty good, but it seems like the music is pretty secondary at this point for him. his work directing, designing, general world building, seems much more interesting. still holding out hope that he does something full record of the more jazzy stuff he was exploring during the Wolf era.

yea they kind of are

I loved it as a kid even if I don't remember the story much. There are still random panels seared into my memory so I figure it must have been doing something right. I remember it really blowing my young mind reading a Batman book that was so over the top violent

Always wished they would do the Batman predator crossover I had which began with the predator ripping out the heart of a famous boxer and throwing it at the boxers girlfriend. Then later Batman shows up. that's all I remember.

Always have had a soft spot for him because of that movie

Yea I think it's really goofy and dumb and a lotta fun. It feels like a bad 90s comic in a good way to me.

because for a good while she has written extensively about wrestling for the av club. or at least thats why i know shes a big professional wrestling fan.

was also thinking about carnivale alot during this episode

read the first one in 4th grade i think a year or so after it came out. more or less grew up reading these books. as the each new entry became longer and longer it was always a fun challenge seeing how fast you could read through it an then being able to tell your friends you finished it in a day or whatever.

Oh yea I think that the career he never wanted is probably going as well for him as he'd like

Well they are friends now and I think both making a lot of money while Earl sits inside smoking pot so everyone came out on top

Oh dude I didn't mean to confuse you. I'm looking forward to getting a chance to listen to it.

Cuz I really like him and the music he makes