melrose gibson

Not​ mad at him dropping the name at all. His transition from mediocre rap music to awesome funk and r and b artist made him one of my favorite musicians right now though so I hope the name drop is really all he means.

His last record was not a hip hop record so it indeed was a change of pace from hip Hop of today.

Those dudes in de la are rapping about fucking flowers? Naw b that pussy shit ain't hip hop

There are a lot of sub genres in rap often, though not always, based around regional sounds

I think his appeal is that he's a teenager doing teenager shit

Hip hop has been in a punk phase for a second now though

He's probably busy organizing

Im not in a rush to play this but I jam some yachty cuz some of it it fun and the beats get weird and cool

Black is awesome and hes got endless potential. Besides Dunn and Bates hes the dude I look forward to seeing the most right now.

Looking forward to new day and usos roasting each other.

Real excited for the Vince album. Love the two singles and the collab with Gorillaz.

Choose to embrace Wally Brando and choose the right side of history

Infinite is a perfectly fine underground rap record with 2-3 standouts songs.

Luckily the skit has been basically dead almost a decade thank the rap Lords

Today is the 12th anniversary of Sean P's Monkey Barz. check that out cuz the flow so spectacular that Marshall Mathers wish that P would go back to Africa

This probably hasn't aged well. All those sweet self produced beats. The only Eminem I want to revisit is strung out em rapping about guns and battling a magazine company because he made all his new gunit friends and wanted to be cool too, that was the best one.

My little brother is 25 years younger than me, and my dad has just started showing him some old episodes. Pop says it holds up pretty good.

Who are occasionally R rated material in the comics.

sure would like to see him play live some day

Was just about to ask about schiavone as I'm not super familiar with WCW stuff