mr arson

You can “generally” slip from drive or reverse in to neutral without engaging the button. You can usually go from neutral in to drive without pressing the button, and you can go between drive and 2/3 (depending on car) without pushing the button. I believe there are safety mechanisms based on speed that won’t allow

yea, pretty much everything you said here is wrong.

Or just don’t do it. Where is this attitude coming from? It isn’t a must-have by any means. I prefer this over shell out $10 for the dwarf hero and elf hunter.

So in order to fully enjoy a new game/addon.

As we used to say in WoW back in the days...

First world problems.

This is literally nothing but a Hero skin. It doesn’t even appear to change the cosmetics of the Paladin Hero ability. There is nothing to complain about, aside from the Internet’s eternal sense of entitlement to everything ever.

No. As the article states, you can use a Starter or Veteran level account, which means it’s completely free.

You can just download it you can get her from the free version of WoW.

Yeah is not very populated at the moment, but keep in mind that is not even beta, is pre-alpha, only a handful of maps are even finished, there are a ton of tweaks and balance improvements all the time. Hopefully it will have more exposure once it reaches beta stage.

That’s the Zumwalt’s sister ship, the U.S.S. Beldar.

Heavy double-barrel shotgun does the job nicely.

I had one ride in a Class 8 race truck through the desert. It was a combination of yelling at the top of my lungs and clenching my ass to keep the poop in.

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

So it’s Battlezone? Why does no one remember that game...

100% correct!

He consciously used his vehicle as a weapon.

A minivan full of children.

I think the appropriate title for this is .. see my vest?

I couldn’t find my peeler the other day and tried this - and am now kind of mad at myself for buying a peeler in the first place! We think of it as a kitchen staple, simply because we haven’t tried anything else. Plus, for me, knife peeling removes much less flesh than using a peeler.