the redsparrow

This looks nice considering the influx of tablet style computing. As well, I think there will be a large concession of the masses that begin to see TV advertisements directly pumped into their news feeds in facebook so this might be a good strategy to implement soon. I was one of those people who held on to myspace

Everyone has their method. I was taught to push an indention into the middle of the patty and place that side first. A little water in the searing pan and immediately cover with a lid. this broils the beef while searing the side on the pan. The indention also creates hemispherical heating on the inside so the

Egg whites have no cholesterol. They're primarily protein and water and are awesome for you in every way.

I'm never hungry for lunch and rarely eat, however, I disappear as soon as I start smelling everyone's leftovers. The mixture of fish, curry, hamburgers, beans, etc. gets to me to no end. I just walk around the office for about a half hour to get a little exercise and sun.

Disagreed. It's easy to re-install the cabinets and it adds an aesthetic of functionality.

Vote: Audition. Adobe is professional software and there is no better alternative.

I want to delete my reply to this, as it is insensitive, however, I don't know how with this new commenting system. Sorry, everyone for my dumbass post.

I laugh out loud in my humble opinion for the win.

I laugh out loud in my humble opinion.

Johnson and Foster 9.

BLINKY!!! I love this.

I refuse to use anything but cast iron. Teflon is scary to me, and if you do your research and treat the skillet correctly, there will not be smoke. The thing I like about cast iron is the years it could be used. My grandmother's cornbread was cooked on the skillet I use.

...and then the cat eats it. enjoys.

Wasp spray. You can shoot it up to 25 ft. and it is just as effective as mace. On top of that, it kills wasps, which are the true enemies to peace and comfort.

I might be wrong but yawcam might be an available resource. It reads motion detection, but I have not tinkered with its options.

I am totally in tune with you. Gizmodo is a gadget guide, and they spot-lighted an amazing interaction with nature and a cheap piece of technology. It was amazing footage that I had to watch another time, and people seem so desensitized to the sheer awe of it.

Try putting a prescription in a $15 pair of sunglasses.

On top of number 5, I've heard that people can't have children in space. Gravity is a large part of the development of a child in the womb.

Kitchen shears. A knife is a knife, but kitchen shears are a cooks best kept secret

That's the standard. rubber bands make since too since in a kitchen, you end up with a crap load of rubber bands and you're always looking for a clean towel.