Did the Argyll and Bute website get hacked or are they getting too much traffic? It looks like their online services are disrupted.
Did the Argyll and Bute website get hacked or are they getting too much traffic? It looks like their online services are disrupted.
I wouldn't give up my thinkpad keyboard for anything no matter how snazzy they design it. I suppose it's all about preference; I am a fan of professional feeling products and some prefer the aesthetic appeal. To each their own.
More than likely, they removed as much asbestos as possible before the demolition.
I just looked in to it. That's a completely different picture from a different angle. Despite this, it is more badass. Agreed.
Blinky has nothing on Spider Pig.
I think I'm going to put this on my facebook timeline right now.
There is no Dana, only Zuul!
I agree. You should always bake bacon. Sometime, when you're feeling like trying a new method, get some metal skewers and wrap the bacon around them like a ribbon to make bacon straws. They look cool protruding from the bowl of spinach salads and should be used exclusively when making a Bloody Mary. Why not? …
I agree with the statement about the tendency to hang pictures too high in most scenarios, however, it's imperative to hang pictures high when you have high ceilings. Otherwise, it looks like wasted wall space.
This reminds me so much of Olafur Eliasson.
half man half shark
Half shark alligator half man.
I found an old military green Raleigh at a local Goodwill a few years back for 3 dollars. After a little elbow grease and a little bit of money, it is my fiance's trophy bike. Although she rides her new Giant exclusively now, we have the Raleigh hung from the ceiling in the middle of our living room like a piece of…
It depends where you live. I've heard it pronounced Mole-Skine with a long I in Montreal. In Texas, everyone just calls them a mole-skin.
It worked on 5.5. and it will work on cs6
The only way to really learn is to practice. The biggest problem with that is when you find something new and cool and spend too much time playing with it. Try setting out with a specific goal for a picture, use google at your disposal and be patient when researching. Youtube is alright. [Lynda.com] costs money. …
Most don't use PS for professional purposes. Once you jump in to the robustness of the program, GIMP looks like MS Paint. But for those who don't have to alter an image for money, GIMP does the job.
...Or know how to torrent the keygen for every version since photoshop 7.
During my time in college, I had brought up the concept of math being the language of nature to a philosophy-english major. This friend of mine then asked me how to say, "I love you," in math. Naturally I said, "1 +1 = 2."