@N@tedog: Wrong, the quality is terrible compared to the one in the post. Take a look at these pics of the back of the helmet: [www.flickr.com]
@N@tedog: Wrong, the quality is terrible compared to the one in the post. Take a look at these pics of the back of the helmet: [www.flickr.com]
Before I leave the house I say to myself "wallet, cellphone/ipod, keys" When I say the item I also pat the pocket I keep it in. Since I started doing this I have never forgotten any of my things.
@The homeless vampire: 'Heartclick'
@kosai: I agree, I was talking to my friends about this book I was reading and they were like "You still read books?, I said yeah, don't you?, No they said, books are boring" :'(
@Xelmon: I hated driving into PCC in the morning. The traffic was terrible, it took me 10mins to get there from Tualatin and another 10-20 to get from the entrance of the school to a parking spot! At the time I was driving a 5speed Mazda6 and there was nothing I hated more than getting stuck in traffic on those hills.…
@ourtimedownhere: I agree, their prices are pretty bad.
@pauljones: I love My FC RX7, It's such an awesome car to drive, especially down a twisty country road ^_^
@1991Brougham: Never thought I'd see another person from Coos Bay on here. Yeah rust seems to be a big problem here. I moved up here 4 years ago from California, my Dodge pickup had no rust at the time, a month goes by and I notice my chrome tow ball is rusted as well as a few things under the hood and my rims.
@Turboner: Sounds like fun, too bad my RX7 is set up for pavement only. Do they let trucks compete?
@spyderr0de0: Ground Zero use to have drift days at PIR , but they stopped doing that awhile ago when they went out of business. You should check out tougeNW.com they are a new forum that was created to unite oregon and washington car enthusiasts and help plan legal drift, autoX and track days.
@TSJ: But the cake is a lie :(
@Optixtruf: Smokey Nagata is a car god!
@skulyk: I love the is300's, don't see too many of the wagons though. I wonder how many were imported to the states.
@bmoreDLJ: heart click for you!
@bmoreDLJ: 'Heart click'
If I bought a wreaked Subaru I would turn it into an ATV like this: [jalopnik.com]
@SupermotoThud: I was born and raised in California so I was used to going 10mph over the limit, so a week after I moved to Oregon I got a speeding ticket for doing 45 in a 35. When he got me with his radar gun I was 20ft from the 40mph sign...