
@kagai: "Why are you people talking about integrity for a game that allows the player to be evil? It's a choice.""

@BigWyrm: The developers released a game as a means to guarantee selling a copy of Fable 2/making $10 a pop that allows people to make massive amounts of cash for Fable 2 even before playing Fable 2.

"We released a sloppy minigame and people did things in it our final development build allowed them to do! Attack!"

There goes EGM's rumor mill which said that Fable 2 wasn't going to make it out in 08.

@EtisArap: lmao yeah. I laughed a lot. I hereby declare it Comment of the Week In Comments!

@Xemnas: Multiplatform. Resistance 2 will hardly affect 360 sales. But I believe Gears comes out around then, right?

@rekenner: Oh. Well that's interesting.

More Lost Planet (I can't stop!)

@sean09: "The proper way to play a game"

@Murmaider: But the original comment was saying that it doesn't matter what the game does or how it looks or plays because in the end, it's still just another FPS. As in there are too many FPS games.

@ChunkOFunk: You're not an idiot. Oblivion definitely isn't for everyone and despite what many will say, it's pretty much an MMORPG without the online part. Not extremely exciting for everyone.

@TMFAN: And in the end, all video games are just another video game, where you move around and hurt things. Only to move on to another game where you move around and hurt things when you get bored of your current "move around and hurt things" game.

Wow...who's the smart guy who decided flat panel touch screen-like buttons were good for gaming?

@Vetterli: @wonder6oy: They look really nice in some spots (as far as the video shows, the griffins, for example, and the environments look good) but other spots, like the minotaur coming at you in the end and the people look really simple and bland. Hopefully it's taken from incomplete footage, or the video

1s thought: Oh noes! They documented the ugly train to recreate in the game. (NYC has two types of trains that run...ugly, old orange seat ones and new, modern blue seat ones). Why!?!?!?

Are they high?

@Cultivar: That's really true. Every comparison shot so far has something visibly distorting the PSP 2000's color to be washed out.

@somesthetic: The DS is completely different and you can't even compare it. You know how people say FPS are great to play with a mouse? And they never say you need two of them. The DS's stylus is like an analog stick and mouse had a lovechild. That's really good for FPS gaming, and a lot of games prove it. Example

@That Boy Baked: I like the analog disc better than analog sticks on consoles.