@zanmato: This game looks like a standard FPS with faster controls and a more realistic/fluid camera :/ I
@zanmato: This game looks like a standard FPS with faster controls and a more realistic/fluid camera :/ I
@snakepliskin: Uncharted is closer to Gears than anything. Gears in a jungle with the easiest "puzzles" in the world. Tomb Raider's puzzles take thinking to figure out (boulder/lazer Legend puzzle owns anything Uncharted tried to do) and is much slower paced.
@Penchinon: This has nothing to do with GoW2 and the whole concept this game is based on is awkward. Broken logic ftl.
Wow. I wanted to care about this game since I read about it in GI a few months ago, but this is so boring. Games, including Mirror's Edge videos, don't make me feel sick but damn I started to feel nauseated watching it. What an awkward angle to play a game.
If I could only play one game in the next few months, I'd choose this. I'm so excited for a true next gen Tomb Raider. And the graphics are unbelievable.
@Miksho: That was so ridiculous of him.
@Grandreaper999: Didn't Halo invent shock damage?
@Silverbackne: To be fair, this clearly plays exactly like Mass Effect, Unreal Tournament 3 and Gears of War, so you have an extremely valid point.
This is the interesting twist to pull me back into Need For Speed.
@Refused: See I disagree with "COD4 is easier than Halo 3." I highly, highly disagree. But you've made up your mind already so I'm pretty sure I can't change it.
@LittleBigPlaneteer: I know. It's ridiculous that the headline for this third person shooter is "What makes this different from a first person shooter?"
Make a new Space Channel 5 already
@Elwood2112: Where you go is outlined in red as a general guide. There is combat but it's mostly optional. Did you hear, after she kicked down the sniper, the voice in her ear said "You can take the other snipers out, or just stay out of their way!" The player quickly put her rifle away and kept running. But if you…
There's that magical dot I read about in the middle of the screen.
Wow this stream murders Cashwhore's. I just finished watching this over there a second ago.
@The Wreckard: Me not buying it isn't the point. Their releasing a new PSP so often is ridiculous and imo sends out a bad message. They keep ever so slightly adjusting the PSP. Why couldn't have they included the mic to begin with? Was their some breakthrough in microphone technology? They're holding back on making…
@PsyComa: The trailer has me interested, though. Castlevania like whip...fairy tale setting...HD graphics? Tell me more please!
@Lazlo: I don't know, Lords of Shadow has my eye.
@alexkidd: I'm sorry that I was sharing my opinion commenting on the subject at hand.
I'm sorry, but I no longer care.