This. PvZ2 kept many fan favorite plants from the first game behind micro transaction gates.
This. PvZ2 kept many fan favorite plants from the first game behind micro transaction gates.
I’m fine with the art style, but I really want to know how the microtransactions work in this one. The way PvZ2 handled it made me not want to play the game at all.
Wildlands was not a loot shooting game, though. Looting wasn’t the point of it at all, and thank god for that. I’d rather enjoy the gameplay and world than fret over collecting the nth iteration of some gun just so that it can do slightly more DPS than some other gun.
Exactly. It’s a nice IDEA, but a 95 year old is probably not going want to get used to brand new hardware.
Right? Also, don’t get me started on the fact that if she got the Game Boy at 95, and used it for 4 years when she died at 99, that would mean giving her a Switch was impossible, as it’s only been out since 2017 (3 years). This is like, 2nd grade “Paul had 10 watermelons” story problem math. It’s not that hard.
I mean WIII was a much better game than AoE II, but of course a lot of that was how awkward the UI was in AoE II, so if the remake of AoE II makes that better, than I can’t imagine buying WCIII remastered over it.
Arthas, duh. Love that guy. Er, love to hate him.
I’d pay 10 dollars more for any game if they shoehorned him in there.
True. The only difference is KFC was a successful stand/restaurant before deciding to franchise, while this person is a random person walking into your store asking for 50 dollars to tell you about a recipe.
All jokes aside. This person clearly doesn’t understand the profit margins at deli’s if they think a deli can afford to hand over 20% of their profits on a piece to someone else.
lots of grown-ass dudes having strong opinions on a cartoon aimed at 6 to 11 year old children
Nah, was referring to the story title. I did have the same thought however, he could have let the joke hit for just a beat or two more. He’s not a comedian though, so I didn’t think much on his ability to time jokes =P. Pro-writer on the other hand...
“I’ll be THAT guy” mode engaged.
This would have been more funny without the spoiler for the joke itself. Still, +1 and thanks for the share fodder.
There’s a real youth neo-nazi alt-right population that is growing.
The racist shitbags came out of their racist closets when Trump happened. He empowered them to “tell it like it is”
So I have been out of the meme game for a couple years. Not quite sure what the kids these days do to be “edgy”. But is it really pretend Nazi racist shit? I thought the rule was once you go Hitler you got disqualified. That was the internet I knew. So are these people really just trying to be offensive-funny and…
Unpopular opinion: Girl Scout cookies all kinda suck. Sure they are edible but every time I have one I ask myself why I wasted the money.
Wow you sure roasted them!
I don’t want to antagonize you or start an argument, but your second paragraph completely answers 100% of the things you said you don’t get/understand.
There’s throwing stones from a glass house, and then there’s throwing stones from atop a pile of broken glass.
Suddenly it’s “PC” to not talk about your butthole in a public, sponsored setting.