
A bird with eyesight acute enough to spot fish from flight can probably see a chunk of food in a translucent cup.

The burger bun top, the sauces, the pickles, the onions, and the lettuce are all separate elements not part of the final “fall”. Just the tomatoes down, which are all together in the screen at the same time, are actually there, then with a pre-assembled bun top, sauces, onions, pickles, and lettuce that fall as one

All the production value in the world won’t change the fact that the Pokemon anime is not about narrative growth for the protagonist.

I honestly can’t even begin to imagine how people work for years on projects they know will get DMCA takedowns immediately.

If he would have replaced “fans” with “normal people” it would have been accurate.

This isn’t Jalopnik anyway. The author wouldn’t know any better.

“Like Nascar, hydroplane racing seems like one of those sports where fans only watch in hopes of seeing a spectacular crash.”

“Like Nascar, hydroplane racing seems like one of those sports where fans only watch in hopes of seeing a spectacular crash.”

“Impossibly hot?”

Welcome to the trash writing of Casey Chan.

I think Jared Leto needs to read Neil Gaiman’s Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader in order to get a better understanding of the Joker:

This deep investigation has Pulitzer written all over it. Keep digging man!

I always feel like Rambo shooting a mounted minigun when I grab onto that thing. I love it!

Love the devs behind it. They’ve been very receptive of suggestions and bug reports, and even opened up their Trello for people to contribute.

Definitely one of the early access games on the Vive that I’m looking most forward to seeing developed further.

As a side note, a shame you didn’t get to show off the standing

Solid bait.

The problem is with you, not the games. They didn’t get boring, you changed.

Go away Casey Chan. Just go away already.

  1. Purchase game from site

I’m trying to figure out what is the racist part still. I watched the whole thing and I don’t quite know what was racist.
