It’s 2019. Them not supporting (or ideally requiring) 2FA is unacceptable.
It’s 2019. Them not supporting (or ideally requiring) 2FA is unacceptable.
His spec (As listed in the video description) is:
His spec (As listed in the video description) is:
Apparently there is only one other article relevant to this one. It seems like even your website’s algorithm is judging you here Bryan.
Brrrm ha!
Isn’t that kinda how rockets look in general...?
It’s been over a decade at this point since I last saw it, but I seem to recall that after they saved the bus full of children one of the stunned instructors said something to the effect of “You guys can just fly, so why would you need a car anyways?” Which I just remember appreciating
Any “here is a new security hole” article should be required to list what the attack vector is. Is it a malformed video file that triggers the memory overflow? Some internal web server that VLC runs in the background that you need access to the user’s LAN to be able to attack? (Hint: it’s a malformed video file)
Hmm, Teslas have done this for a few years now.
Completely tangental, but calling anything in this image ‘Clear’ is amusing:
Ikea ‘BEVARA’ Sealing clips: (Also available in Europe under a ton of different brands, but not as common in the US otherwise)
Ikea ‘BEVARA’ Sealing clips: (Also available in Europe under a…
First game, still down to guessing :( Had hoped they would guarantee not having to take 50-50 guesses.
that basically changes every aspect of Civ VI’s environment so that it looks like the world of Civ VI
Shame on you Gita for using one of the new screenshots as a header, implying you played the as-of-yet unreleased Steam version :P
Thank you Mike for sharing this. I’m so very glad you pulled through.
The “heatonist #1" Dawson’s Sichuan ghost pepper sauce:
The “heatonist #1" Dawson’s Sichuan ghost pepper sauce:
Material fatigue is a real problem that seems to never be discussed when these new flexible devices are covered.
Of Of...?
What the actual fuck is this article...