
I could totally do that...once.

None of this matters. Amazon'd Kindle Fire is what every other tablet maker should be worried about.

Doesn't anybody realize that iOS is a slimmed down version of NetBSD (UNIX).

If Ritchie didn't do it, some other technology would have taken its place and the technology space would look very different. Maybe better, maybe worse, or maybe just about the same.

So common, it's funny.

"teh lulz" as the cool kids say.

but without UNIX there would be no modern computing

No Ritchie = No UNIX = No OSX (which is UNIX) = No iOS (also UNIX) = No modern day Apple /end


I travel in the enterprise cloud services circles, and I can tell you guys that MS is serious about Azure. This is not a capacity sell-off afterthought. Keep an eye on it.

HAaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good one.

Wow what a douche you are. Imagine you lost your testicles to cancer. They gave you a fake pair to ease your trauma. You are fighting for your life. Then you are subjected to what she had to go through even though A) they are not supposed to B) it is ineffective C) you have official proof that you have fake nuts

The same casing had no issues with the circa 2008 CPUs. Obviously they ran cooler. My issue with the design is that a) the default minimum fan speed is slow (if you increase the default to 4000 rpm, you never burn your lap) to keep the sound to a minimum, and b) the machine can not sustain computing load which

How about if they fix the fact that they run so freaking hot that it is possible, and probable, to scald your lap (hello, laptop!). Not only that, but everytime I tax my CPUs for an extended period of time, they get overheated and begin to freeze and error. Or how about the fact that it is impossible to use outside

Vladimir Putin doesn't often drink beer, but when he does it must be Dos Equis.

This has been available on Google+ for a bit. I think Google+ has been the best thing ever for Facebook. Nothing like competition to stir up innovation.

I'm not a green nut, but I am a cheap ass. I travel a lot so I installed power strips with the nifty "off" switch everywhere I have electronics plugged in. Before I leave I flip all the little switches. Not only do these things save me money, they also protect my gear from brown-outs and by eliminate my WiFi and

Bud's answer made perfect sense to me. He was, although, not very eloquent in his answer. With that said, I understand what Apple is trying to do, and I absolutely hate it. By default all tracking capabilities should be off. Unfortunately, and again if I am not mistaken, tracking functionality is mandated by law

Every time I read Burj Khalifa a voice in my mind goes "black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow".

"Would you want a vicious dog at your home, threatening your children?" My current dog was in the unadoptable section because he is a big Doberman that showed high levels of anti-social behavior. When I visited him at the pound I immediately recognized that he was just terrified. I took him to the "get to know you"