@Pizza!Pizza!Pizza!: Classic.
@Pizza!Pizza!Pizza!: Classic.
I tried running that intro paragraph through Google Translate, but no luck. :-(
if it came in black and it was 50% off, I'd sooooo get one.
@VoidZN: ROFL! That's horrible!
Dear Mr. Redmond,
Note to manufacturers: Stop fighting rooters.
Actually. It is not idiotic at all and definitely not for lazyasses. If a woman who is still nursing but is also working (ej. graphic artist or architect at home) and just can't spend the time to sit and hold the damned milking contraption to her breast, this thing might be useful.
@tw@t: Problem with chimps in suits? Then say hello to my little friend!
@Lightsout565: Quicksilver is awesome too.
I'm crying. No seriously, I teared up a bit.
@BadJoJo: Start at :37
@smirkette: @The Squalor Also Rises:
My favorite is the fact that he kept his '71 Benz. Not a great "classic" car by any stretch, but it was his first "extravagance". It sort of like my first pair of nice sunglasses. $70 for the pair. It's not necessarily an awesome buy, but it carries huge significance. Like his '71 Benz, I still have those…
@cc: That was a weird movie
@peasant slayer: Exclamation Man!: It would have been awesome if you actually replied with words no shorter than 8 letters. That would have been epic.
@peasant slayer: Exclamation Man!: Hey Moss, are you enjoying that new Countdown Tea Kettle?