It has a proprietary wallet ejection system
It has a proprietary wallet ejection system
@Stem_Sell: 802.11 Coconuts
@Billybird: No. Wi-fi enhances the effects by granting you access to unlimited porn, music, tv, and movies.
Once I moved into my home I placed an access point at the north corner of the house. Ever since the tree right outside the corner where the access point is located has been losing its leaves very easily. Normally between the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Very strange. No proof it's the wi-fi though,…
@iain010100: and you didn't get starred for that spread???
@hurr. pancakes: Cause Disney is way better without the kids.
@csfreestyle: True, but the GV transcripts are hilarious! Do they ever get anything right?
@rothgar: Don't complain. According to Microsoft, Windows 7 was your idea. :-)
I love Black Friday for one reason and one reason only. HUGE external drive for crazy cheap. Target, 2TB essentials (perfect fro PS3 since it has no power management) for $69. Joy!
@aspenboy: So what's with the hyper active sun icon?
@Beef-Teeth: Pimpin!
I was in the New Orleans French Quarter a few months back and I noticed that approximately eight out of ten people that walked past the restaurant window I was sitting by were looking down at their phone screens as they walked. All I could think was, "You are in the French Quarter on a beautiful night jackasses! …
@McMike: +1 Good job sir.
Alderan - Tuesday - 5000 degrees - no wednesday. LMAO
Wait. Isn't MySpace that site where all the hookers went to after Craigslist booted them?
According to the site selling them, I'll have to gain weight before I can buy these. Minimum weight is 219lbs. Am I reading that right?
@buckleyneko: My point exactly (I think). The loss of civil liberties in the name of safety is completely pointless. One might feel safer, but one is not. All one gets is less freedom.
@moeblw: ROFL! Nice editorial skills.
@LegacyCrono: Until their character crumbles in three seconds.
Sounds like the insurance company needs to give this guy a call.