Suggestion: Do a quick edit and add the Mario sound effects as he collects the coins.
Suggestion: Do a quick edit and add the Mario sound effects as he collects the coins.
HTC Ev0 4G for the Fringe division, so they can shift from dimension to dimension with ease. Walter approves and so does Asterisk.
@deitiphobia: Good post. Thanks.
@smithj33: snide
@doggdiggity: I'm with you. My Evo's battery life is short as it is. My guess is that I would barely have enough time to watch a single episode of Sealab 2021 before the battery is out.
Had he been female and attended duke, he'd be a hero.
Pardon the ignorance, but do I need a special AirPrint printer?
@Brian_in_HD: Yep. I was thinking candygrams.
@dgstan: You're right. I focused on the beaten with a newspaper part. Hmmm. Is it even possible to beat someone to death with a rolled up newspaper?
@Ding-Dang: Nice silver lining commentary. +1 for you.
"the girl also wrote about someone who was bragging about giving the best (you know)" Actually I don't know. Could you explain? :-)
@irishfighter: "This stupid idiot should be beaten to death with the newspaper she writes for." What, like a dog that peed on the carpet? If she did it, I think she should be taught a harder lesson than that.
Very nice alternative for a MacMini, especially if you can turn it into a Hackintosh. The pricepoint is a little steep though.
@Aeires: nope
Too bad I don't smoke weed. That Vaporizer thingy looks cool. Has anyone here tried it? Is B-Real in the house? I'm sure he has.
@Deftly: Nimbuzz for Android includes Skype with voice.
@Emeka: Amen to that. The Skype Android client is crap. The pre-iphone release of Fring was friggin awesome.
Bacon beats all, even if we must sacrifice the possibilities of sexual innuendo.
@scrapking: The fact that many have not heard of this game shouldn't matter. It is obviously profitable enough to have made this guy money. Another thing to consider is that he probably would not have been able to afford the Crystal Palace if he had asked Eve Online or WoW to build it for him.