
What he sounds like (aside like a total asshole with respect to his views) is someone who speaks English as a second language, which makes sense given that he's Venezuelan. So this comment about how he talks (rather than about the content of his words) is really just pointing and laughing at the foreigner who's just

Well, since he's Venezuelan, English is likely not his first language. So while the views he's expressing are terrible and wrong, making fun of him for his lack of fluency is pretty inappropriate.

Dude, there's a reason my AP US Government teacher in high school jokingly referred to my hometown (in which I still reside) as "The People's Republic of Arlington".

Fair enough!


Uh, yes, I have the right to vote, and I always vote for prochoice Dems, and they always win (alas, I forgot to arrange to vote absentee from college when Governor McDonnell won).

I'm adding my support for Python.

That assumes way more patience and way more interest in following the rules than I possess. #IDon'tShaveForSherlockHolmes. Ahem.

"She's irresistible—she told me so, herself."

Oof, what is with people? (I mean, we all kind of know what...)

This reminded me of my mom's experiences with me as a baby. My mom is a very pale white person born in New Jersey, my dad is a middling brown Latino person from Venezuela, and I ended up sort of in the middle, in terms of skin tone. My dad's niece finished

Oh, hey, thanks!

R. Kelly? Pedophile R. Kelly?
Why is he being celebrated here?

Well, but in whatever version of Android I have, it will guess FedEx and other brand names just fine, so why not Tampax?


YES, that book is wonderful.