Where is it that she uses "fat" as a pejorative? Enlighten us all.
Where is it that she uses "fat" as a pejorative? Enlighten us all.
Yeah, sorry, but aside from all of the obvious underlying issues with this, it's also just not true that this minor isn't helpful. I have a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies, and that minor is what makes me attractive to most of the jobs/internships I've been applying to. There absolutely is a market for applying…
My response, via another adorable man:
Ugh, me too!
I like to keep this bit from Rachel Maddow in mind: “But here’s the thing about rights. They’re not actually supposed to be voted on. That’s why they’re called rights."
Why, thank you. :)
Congrats, of course, but your username made me sad!
Moisturize me!
I definitely see that angle, but I still see the slut-shaming, too. For example, this image from the video I mentioned, and if you search for "Taylor Swift" on the Madonna-Whore Complex page on tvtropes.
Take a close look at the lyrics of and/or the video for "You belong with me." A harsher way to say what song says only slightly more subtly would be something like, "Don't be with that whore (who wears short skirts and is a cheerleader and is in the red dress at the end of the video), be with wholesome/virgin me (who…
Well said, and thank you.
What is so "un-Disney" about her attire?
This post isn't about barriers to infection transmission. It is ONLY about the effectiveness of these contraceptives as...well, contraceptives.
I'm guessing you edited your post to reflect that? Never fear: I never even saw your original reply, and thanks for taking the time to change it when you realized. :)
Why, thank you! :)
Here's my personal take on this:
As the post clearly explains, it's not about intentions. Also as the post clearly states, it's not about a blanket ban on touching, either: it's about where the touch is and how it's done.
Thank you for your understanding. This is a fantastically considerate and measured response. :)
"I know it's because it's an uncomfortable place to be touched by a stranger, but damn, it works. "