Jo 'Mama' Besser

Ha! You're very funny!

Don't make fun, Nina, for they are reverse racism survivors!

Yep, she still had that apple.

Good ideas. Perhaps ViewTube?

Thoroughly Modern Millie.

Race gets plenty real when they need to identify 'whiners'.

Yes, he was in blackface.

Horrible and horribly common. Caligula's daughter was taken from her crib by the ankles and her head was smashed against a wall when he was assassinated. People lose their minds and a wave of blood comes over them but that's all of the story we hear, but it isn't even up for argument that experienced and saw those

There was a Boudicca film in the '90s, it starred Alex Kingston and was very favourable in depiction and this going nowhere. You wanted specific examples of whitewashed cruelty from antiquity, I gave you some, even from Plutarch and now you don't want them because antiquity's too old. No, Julius Caesar doesn't get off

Boudicca's uprising, then. The writings feature stories of vicious torture and murder of man, woman and child alike but she's always presented as a warrior goddess and inspiration in entertainment. There's nothing in any entertainment about her that mentions her people burning children alive in their homes or slicing

I don't care for the word reclaiming either, I don't think it's accurate, but that's the word that's used, so I'm stuck with it. We seem to have the same issue with the word, so I think our wires were crossed. because I was most definitely talking about cultural appropriation and thought you were, too. Honestly, in

I mostly took my cues from a book recently released called

Appropriation is reliant on a power imbalance. It takes something from the oppressed group for its own ends without understanding, respect or permission. It frequently rofits from it in some way. See: Native American war bonnets Only the dominant group can appropriate, so this would be a case of reclaiming.

Plutarch's Life of Lygurgus or Life of Alexander are full of infanticide. Suetonius, Tacitus and Cassius Dio tell stories of violent uprisings and yes, babies are definitely murdered in their cribs and children were raped and sold into slavery. The Romans could be cruel to the point of wickedness, Nat Turner doesn't

Exactly. If they brought friends over, obviously they didn't want me hanging around the whole time and my mother would've pulled me off if I wasn't invited into the fun. But there was none of this, ' Consistently being mean to a family member because said member had the gall to be born later, is a natural part of

It's Sponge and Vacuum Weekly, Benevenstanciano. She also likes making samplers and appreciates fine stitching.

I'm starting to realise that I hate almost every character on a show I liked.

I dislike the trope of the older sibling who won't acknowledge the younger one in public. Maybe it's because my siblings are so much older than me (they were already in high school when I started kindergarten) but that's just so ugly and doesn't seem realistic. I really can't fathom parents who wouldn't punish that,

Nah, I remembered that she was young, it just didn't make a difference to me. Maybe I'm unkind, but I never saw any evidence that she was hip or cool, just someone who was incredibly snotty and downright unkind sometimes (Ann), but everyone just indulged her most of the time and told her was God's Second-in-Command.

I wondered too, but everyone seems to love her for some reason.