Jo 'Mama' Besser

Hamilton Horror.

Show some respect!
Wait, I read that wrong.
Show some 'for respect'!

Duck, duck, duck, duck,—GESUALDO!

Duh, stay out of New Mexico!

They have overcome.

Did you watch Cosmos? That can count as your black friend.

You're welcome. He was an interesting person with a big ego (his feud with the equally egotistic Arnold Schoenberg is hilarious reading) and (solely in my opinion) The Rite of Spring is one of the greatest pieces of art ever created. I have pretty strange tastes though and was completely obsessed with Messiaen's

There's a bit of a story behind that one. Stravinsky hated what the film did to his music. It was truncated, in the wrong order, hugely bastardized in that was hugely simplified and the most difficult parts of the piece were omitted. When he and George Balanchine attended a screening the year before the movie came

'…Heart would win any head-to-head disagreement within the Planeteer corps.'

Not quite. I, as a black person am not keen on people 'teaching' me about my situation.

Um, oh.

Don't you know that you're not allowed to argue when someone is educating you on what it's like for Black people?

Yes, they're getting Affirmative Action-ed out of the game. How many times in a week will you hear some bunk about how whites are oppressed because they have to pander to unskilled minorities and it's only white people who are allowed to be the butt of criticism. I can't decide if they have been dropped too many, or

Wait, that was real? My scroll function whizzed past the opening of your post and I had to go back to discover the origin of that devilry. I thought it was a parody.

There was no Adult Party Cartoon.

It's gone out of style like wearing shoes has gone out of style.

What the shit is the difference? Those eyes are going to be torn out either way, so don't even trip, yo. Rise above.

I'd like to be as naive as you.
Seen too much.

But not particularly positive depictions of Stravinsky.

Street thief: go fucking figure.