But what about the Mazda6 wagon? Are we in the States finally getting the diesel wagon?
But what about the Mazda6 wagon? Are we in the States finally getting the diesel wagon?
I have a 2011 Mustang and I love it and have always thought, “I’m going to keep this car for a long time,” however, after reading this article I really want to get to my local Ford dealer and test drive a new GT. I think the only thing that would stop me from trading up is the fact that I haven’t had a car payment in…
I’m on the same page as you. Used to have the Sunday Ticket, watched every game I could and loved it. Now, I can barely sit and watch my Skins play because I just don’t care that much about the NFL anymore and I think a lot has to do with all the over analyzing of the rule book by the officials. The product just isn’t…
On the politeness side, definitely. For some reason my least 3 orders from a major chain were messed up, one didn’t arrive on time and two disappeared into the ethos (one of which was a TV that they were delivering themselves so for one the Postal Service wasn’t to blame). So I called up their customer service line to…
So does this mean he can return for the Thanksgiving game?
Sherman has a valid point here, but I think to many fans players were dehumanized long before fantasy football. Even players on teams people claim to root for are just products to them because if the replacement for the injured player is just as good or better than said injured player the fans quickly forget about…
This sad incident is why when I take my son to games I get us outfield seats. The view isn’t as good but you have more time to react to foul balls. The speed at which those balls come off the bat is insane and you honestly need to be paying attention constantly just in case, and even then the average person doesn’t…
I’m just glad more people have come around to my way of thinking that good old Uncle Ted is a bad owner. I’ve been saying this for years about the Caps (and more recently about the Wiz) that he mismanages, hires the wrong people, and totally screws the pooch each year and he seems to get a pass that Dan Snyder…
As a parent and a coach this kind of stuff drives me up the wall. These leagues are meant to teach the kids how to play the game and have fun. Yes winning is nice and games are more fun when you’re winning, but in the end it’s all about teaching the kids how to play the game and play it safely. Sadly, far too often…
Basically the Ref who called for The Redskins getting the ball had a different angle than the replays show. What he could have seen is a Redskins player getting possession of the ball on the ground and being piled on there for being “down by contact” and the ball gets wrestled away from said Redskins and ends up in…
Totally agree, last year in my Son’s 7-9 year old league there was an 8 year old who 200lbs and he just manhandled kids so much so 3 went to the ER, and the leagues response was “He’s 9 so he has to play in this league.” I’m all for letting kids play and learn but that kid (who in his defense had a hormone issue) is…
F you Foodspin.
Before I read this, if Frosted Strawberry isn’t number one then F you.
I’m not disagreeing that Ichiro is a better hitter than Rose, but as far as hit totals are concerned, I don’t thing you can combine stats from two different leagues and say that when you combine the stats this player is better than that one. That’s not to say MLB is leaps and bounds better than Nippion or anything,…
Congratulations sir, not only do you win the internet for today, but for the rest of the week as well.
Murder someone or just stand next to a Flyer while his own teammate smacks him in the mouth with his stick, just ask Nicholas Backstrom.
So does that go down as an Error?
As a Caps fan I have to say, once that warning came over the PA I’d be tempted to, but at the same time as manly as I think I am, there is no way in hell I’m going to any Philly game (hockey, baseball, or football) as an opposing fan. I enjoy breathing.
It was a pain in the ass to get into the stadium. What I was told by a security guard was that they were extensively checking every bag before letting people through the gates. That’s all fine and good, but how about if you’re going to do that you form a line for bags, and a line for people without bags like most…
I hadn’t realized that different schools used different balls (which is fucking ludicrous) but my question is “what do they do come tournament time? Is there a universal ball or does the higher seed get to pick?