
Thank god I got in before the shit really hit the fan. I just pray the snow stops and this shit is cleaned up before the evening commute.

Or what if he tosses the football to the ref and then does a dunk or a crossfit-poor form pull-up?

I saw this one coming when one of the games last season was delayed as they had to fix the post after a dunk. I'm all for fun and celebration but when the celebration delays the game like that maybe it should be banned.

Anyone else here "Take on Me" in the back of their mind?

I think there is merit to what Cuban is saying. I can't pin point the cause but over the last couple of seasons my interest in the NFL has been waning. I don't think it's completely due to over exposure but all NFL all the time has contributed to it a bit. Usually Sundays I'll watch my team and another game, and

The Alfa all the way.

It's Texas, two counts of Capital murder, he'll get the death penalty.

I always just thought it was LeBron haters making these memes, not necessarily hockey fans.

At first I was taken back a bit by the screen shot but then I remember how much fun the simpler baseball games used to be and how maddening and frustrating some of the more realistic versions of MLB the Show can be. In the end I welcome the change to a more fast paced, fun, baseball game.

It would be a waste for a team to trade for him. If they accepted this contract they'd owe him roughly 16 million, even if a few teams got into a bidding war for Revis they probably would only end up paying him half of that and still keep their draft picks. So yeah, trading for him would be insane, so look for the

Why would anyone trade for Revis when if you just wait a few days the Bucs will cut him and you can probably sign him for less money and not give up anything.


So what's the ruling on that? Does the golfer play the ball where it originally was or where the iguana moved it to?

I'll admit I don't know that much about how gene therapy effects the body but if being born a man gives her an unfair advantage in competing then they're right not to allow her to compete, but if the therapy is effective to the point to where the is no difference between her and a woman who has trained equally then I

When you're trying to find a street at night and driving under the speed limit so you don't miss your turn, meanwhile a line of cars begin forming behind you. I hate being that guy and it's always my luck that when I miss my turn I have to go another five miles before I can make a u-turn.

I'm right there with you, I've always wanted to see Gordon do something else besides NASCAR, just to see how he'd fair. He's one of the best drivers out (or at least he was before he had a family, I don't think his heart is 100% in it anymore) and I think seeing him do a one off in a rally car or even F-1 would be

Tom, I said the same thing when I first saw the top picture. Those of us old enough to remember the Real Ghostbusters cartoon may recall an episode where Slimer went into the containment unit to find another ghost or get something (I can't remember all the details) but as we the viewer are taken through the innards

Oh no I didn't miss the part where he said he got a ride, probably because he doesn't currently hold a license. However, if he got a DUI there is a good chance he has a drinking problem, which he makes a great case for saying that after class he went out and got wasted. When you're in college going out partying and

I like how the guy in the drunk driving class went out and got hammered after the Friday class so he was hung over for the Saturday class. He sure learned his lesson.

Christ, apparently I hit a nerve. I'm not condoning the joke, what I'm saying is it's not worth reporting on what a golfer probably the majority of us have never heard of tweeted, nor does one tasteless joke make someone an asshole. But I'm sure up there on your soap box next to your glass house you've never called