
Lol vast majority 😂

Her original face:

I’m not really sure what the filmmaker had done before, but it’s not filled with cranks. It’s based on evidence collected by a private investigator (former cop) that Courtney Love herself hired while Kurt was missing, who terminated the business relationship because he came to believe she had arranged to have her

For the longest time I thought it was a really dumb rumor, but after reading about it and seeing the recent documentary (“Soaked in Bleach”), I’m inclined to think it might be true. I loved her in high school, so it’s not me hating on her for any reason. The evidence looks pretty bad. :(

No surprise.

It’s very strange to me. Feminists agree that patriarchy exist and that misogyny still shapes modern society. Third-wave feminists analyse (as they should) all aspects of society and the consequences that power imbalances between men and women have on our behavior, on the position of women in society, on relationships

Real talk: NZ has a serious problem with rape and sexual assault. It’s deeply entrenched and I have no clue on what to do about it because it can’t even be spoken about without being silenced, like the women mentioned here.


“I did a visualization meditation picturing myself as a mermaid finding gold in a treasure chest. I rediscovered Kurt’s golden hair in a secret forgotten compartment of my great grandma’s jewelry box.”

That boy is a Sinatra. Nobody can tell me ANY different.

Let’s stamp a big red NOPE on that. You probably know far more people than you realize who have been in treatment (1 in 4 will deal with issues within their lifetime). Try asking one of them whether their viewpoint is therefore worthless.

Like my sister, who was such a coke fiend she lost her house in the 80s and who was on public assistance because her dumbfuck husband was in prison who NOW believes “People on public assistance should be drug tested.” Like that?

Spot On, Ari.

Because that’s the important thing we should be taking from this article. Thank you for showing us what truly matters.

Dick Cheney doesn’t have a heart.


Im pretty sure it was the “and of course, all the attention goes to him, while I, the genius who had the mental fortitude and preparedness to bring a camera and press record get none... Did I mention it weighed like 500 pounds? And that I,like Christ carrying his cross, had to carry it all by myself?!? Oh the

i despise her and always have. Hate her music, hate her personality, hate her for suing the rest of Nirvana, think she’s gross and a pithy talent. And there’s nothing sexist about that.

While I’m certain there is sexist hatred for Courtney, I also know the woman creates much of it for herself with her behavior toward other humans. Having had my business attacked by her personally for days on Twitter years ago, I can attest to just how crazy and MEAN she is. She bought some things from me, forgot she