
I was gonna say: Watching a 30 second add for Trolls 2 before I watch a black man get gunned down by police sure is something.

I got a Jeep commercial requesting that you reflect on the past few months and think about how “free we truly are.”

Fuck, man, having to watch a goddam Target commercial before i could see this video....ABC7 fuck you.

LASD is the worst PD in LA by far.

“sets a dangerous precedent,” because it leads to a “victimhood mentality.”

I wouldn’t say I’m enjoying it, but don’t you find it mildly amusing?

“She knows she can be tough at times,” the source continued, “but believes she works hard and is extremely creative and that it’s a privilege to work for her and be around her.”

“widely considered to be risky”?

... but reality is that the direction we’re heading in, where more people have more guns, more extreme viewpoints, and more tolerance for that kind of display, is not a good one.

The “historical accuracy” argument only seems to pop up when there are women or minority characters in game, or there is a lack of NAzi symbols in a game. Weird how that works.

Easy for you to say, you live in a country that has a concept of intellectual property and rules against it's theft

Things I learned just yesterday after playing since day after release:
- once a vassal and eligible for Influence points, turn in prisoners to a town or castle dungeon instead of selling them. This provides massive amounts of influence. Generally 1 per regular, i think about half per looter, captured generals something

Yup, your being a piece of shit. 

I’ve said many, many times before that Biden should not have run and the fact that he and Sanders chose to run ruined what might have been a very good primary debate over the future and present of the party. But Biden has one thing going for him that Sanders will never have: He fucking won.

I hope there’s a meaty flashback to Batman’s childhood. I’ve always wondered what horrible trauma he must’ve endured to become such a twisted, vengeance-dealing adult. What I’m saying is, I want a Batman movie that shows us why he became the bat, not just how. And I want the movie to spend as much time there as

The Child, for the most part, was portrayed by a very real, very expensive puppet, so no uncanny valley 3D nonsense there... also, it had hair and it was pretty noticeable. maybe you were watching it on an iWatch?

Between this and that gawd-awful Benghazi movie, is Jim from the Office hiding some extremely regrettable politics?

The guy who speculated about the size of his infant daughter’s future breasts? The guy who posed on a bed with his pubescent daughter and later said if she wasn’t his daughter they’d be dating? The dude who in public, while running for president, said that the thing he had most in common with his adult daughter was

WandaVison better have a demon with Wanda’s kids who were made with Chaos Magic and Demon Soul shards for hands.

Schreier, I will always appreciate your deep-dives into the less glamorous sides of this hobby and the industry that supports it. While most of Kotaku’s articles are (and probably should be) focused on the games themselves, it’s incredibly important that we never lose sight of the human cost incurred in the production

I’m disgusted, this money could have been spent on football.