Between this and that gawd-awful Benghazi movie, is Jim from the Office hiding some extremely regrettable politics?
Between this and that gawd-awful Benghazi movie, is Jim from the Office hiding some extremely regrettable politics?
The guy who speculated about the size of his infant daughter’s future breasts? The guy who posed on a bed with his pubescent daughter and later said if she wasn’t his daughter they’d be dating? The dude who in public, while running for president, said that the thing he had most in common with his adult daughter was…
WandaVison better have a demon with Wanda’s kids who were made with Chaos Magic and Demon Soul shards for hands.
The show is dark and full of errors? Ehh????
Schreier, I will always appreciate your deep-dives into the less glamorous sides of this hobby and the industry that supports it. While most of Kotaku’s articles are (and probably should be) focused on the games themselves, it’s incredibly important that we never lose sight of the human cost incurred in the production…
I’m disgusted, this money could have been spent on football.
Protect global trade from who? Somali pirates?
Yet another reason for the US Navy to come back to reality. And that reality is that we don’t have to be everywhere on the globe in overwhelming force all the time.
Yes, when you’re suffering comedy can help you cope. But when other people are suffering and you’re just doing comedy about their suffering, then you come across as a massive asshole. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t joke about it - of course you can! You just come across as a massive asshole.
“im not political! im not political!!”, i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob
Wow! That’s some serious white fragility on display there. I’m surprised it hasn’t devolved into froth-mouthed yelling of racial slurs.
You are talking to the same kind of people who send death threats to Jason Shreier for reporting on a game delay. Unfortunately, it’s par for the course now.
Gamers are just the biggest fucking babies.
That “what if your father raped someone” question is absolutely fucking disgusting. I know the lawyer was just doing her job etc but JFC.
Sure there is. If he hadn’t defeated the safety features the car is supposed to fucking stop.
Still his fault. If this is the case, he knows he falls asleep when he sits for too long. He should be taking measures to make sure he doesn’t fall asleep. He failed and it’s ultimately his responsibility to make sure his car doesn’t kill anyone.
Of course, Tesla absolutely does not want anyone doing this with Autopilot, under any circumstances.
Careful you don’t pull a muscle with that stretching
He made a rhetorical point not a threat.
In March 2017, an Overwatch fan wrote to Jeff Kaplan about the lack of black female characters in the game. To her…