
I played volleyball year-round from the age of 10, went to college on a volleyball scholarship, and coached a high school team to two state championships, a club team to a #4 national ranking, and coached the game at the college level. I’ve seen this sort of move be successful maybe three times. You are wrong. This

When he was in the makeup and the garb he was in character the whole time; and when he took it off he was absolutely fantastic company to be around.

Thank you for typing the comment I was going to write. This is spot on.

It is really common for bullies to not remember what they have done because it doesn’t mean anything to them. They were “just having fun” and weren’t the one who was traumatized. I have read several accounts of people who confronted their high school or junior high tormentors, and the people often don’t even remember

Of course he says he doesn’t remember anything. Why would he? When you are a famous person meeting a non-famous person, it’s far more likely that the interaction would just fade into the background of your memory, as opposed to when you are a non-famous person meeting a famous person. In 2007 I shook Barack Obama’s

Nailed it in one.

You know it’s possible to say things and not remember saying them because you grew up your entire life being able to say those things without repercussions or thinking about how your words/actions impact others. This is commonly known as privilege.

I think that’s implied in his saying. It’s like, “I do this for my grandson, because my son can’t do it as well.”

I think he is mentally ill like most true conservatives and racists. They suffer from a high level of paranoia and neuroses and, as we see in the last bit here, delusions that are either self-serving for attention or come from psychosis.

Is it just me, or...?

Yeah... no. You can’t be a child whose “negligence” “contributes” to your own molestation. It’s a morally reprehensible (and stupid) strategic decision.

Remember those simple salad days when he was just accusing his predecessor of wire tapping him? Or perhaps the Bowling Green Massacre? Those events seem like eons ago. There is no bottom, we are just going to keep plunging into the abyss.

If these two actually go through with this and marry, I hope we all call DC up on their bullshit, and allow Batwoman to be wed as well. I still gurgle in anger everytime I remember how they basically denied her marriage after she proposed to Mags by means of this explanation by Dan Didio.

That gorgeous Jim Aparo cover!

I remember the moment that I realized that Yao Guai was a post-apocalyptic degradation of Yogi....

after some hardcore lobbying on her part...

LOL. Ignore Ms. Yesha, for one. But I guess we can just call it “luck” of the beat?

Did you lose a bet or something Breanna? How come you always get the “worst of humanity” beat?