
It depends on context. Height is not a definitive benefit in most sports (in fact, I’m hard-presses to think of a sport where it’s one at all-basketball?), plus there’s the fact that once you’ve been on hormones for a while you’ll have a much-reduced musculature, pushing around a frame that’s now oversized compared to

Which is why I said that before competing they need to be on hormones or similar, to ensure that they’re on a level playing field. Otherwise you’re saying trans kids shouldn’t be able to compete and potentially win those same scholarships that you mentioned.

The International Olympic Committee and the IAAF both have rules stating that in order to compete, trans women need to be on testosterone blockers for a minimum amount of time, and have their T levels below a threshold for that amount of time. Long enough for the beneficial effects of T to wear off.

The only reason we tend to know that anyone is a pedophile is because they act upon it:

Thanks for proving my point about why the media using the terminology “pedophile” when the person is an actual child molester is such a problem.

You know, I was getting ready to say “well, there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with being a pedophile that should lead to arrest”...

“At the time, people talked of inciting a minor to debauchery, or indecent assault...But nobody ever spoke of crime,”

Uhhh; he’s pretty generic looking. Add a beard and nobody would be able to pick him out of a lineup. Maybe not even without a beard;

And what I find even more annoying is the idea that this is anything cool and novel - that these idiots are innovators disrupting traditional business models, when working your employees to death while paying them as little as possible is more or less how things worked in the 19th century.

That’s what I find so freaking disingenuous. They’ve taken the equity-in-place-of-high-salary model and changed it to, work-super-hard-make-me-rich-bask-in-the-glow.

I was married to myself but there was an acrimonious divorce.

I was ‘self-partnered’ throughout much of my teenage years, and while it was perfectly fine for my mental health my wrist joints sound like a cement mixer.

I got as far as “Emma Watson turning 30" and got too distracted by my joints creaking to read any farther.

Each representative has a limited amount of minutes to ask their questions; uncooperative witnesses know this; so they purposely fill up the time by rambling and not answering the questions (Jeff Session and William Barr are masters at it).  So she nipped that in the bud and claimed back her time.  Do you not know how

So, that’s Rep Katie Porter, D-CA. This is only a snippet of the inquiry - there’s more to it than what’s in the video - but she’s referring to the horrifying accounts of what content monitors have to go through and how terribly they’re treated by FB. The point she’s making is that if he’s not willing to do it for

If these men want kids so much why don’t they go and make one with a woman that wants the same or adopt one or pay child support.

I apologize in advance, but it had to be done.