
Go have a good cry, loser.

They were great vocalists...Beyawnce isn’t by any stretch.

...because you haven’t earned it?

Bitter black trash...go away already.

Said no one ever. Manhattan is universally ridiculed as a poor man’s clam chowder.

You must have him confused with the Falcons and Seahawks.

YES!!!!! Apes.

You look like apes, and black men view white women as trophies.

because you steal and commit crime at record levels.

(looks at QB stats last 5 seasons plus current)...yeah, I’m fine with this.

So you love men blowing you? Ewwww....I knew you were subhuman.

Only way your team could win.

Then he would’ve been getting randomly tested by the league the past 5 years considering he was already in Goodell’s crosshairs. Secondly, he’s been great his entire career.

How is Brady then actually getting BETTER instead of regressing the past 5 seasons? Let me add that his 2 best targets have spent stretches either on IR half or all season...not to mention him sitting the 1st 4 games last year. He is top two in passing at age FORTY without his #1 receiver and playing with a bunch of

Go have a good cry Krissy. Call me when you find statements from either Goodell or the actual judge in the case stating they have evidence. But of course, pigfuckers like yourself have access to far more than actual lawyers or anyone closely involved!

You believe someone by default without any evidence presented? Wouldn’t want you on any jury.

Can we do the same when you make false allegations?

The problem though is when someone is falsely accused absolutely nothing happens to the accuser, while the accused lives with a stigma and a constant “did they or didn’t they”. Nelly didn’t drag, drug or coerce this woman back to his trailer.

Gonna be glorious watching him lose his 4th out of his last 5, HAHAHA!

Why not just wrap it in newspaper and throw that shit in the trash?