Not just an amateur asshole. Professional.

The conservative message is racism.

That may be why she says so many fucked-up things about transgender people - people always mistake her for one.

Well, I’m changing my vote now.

Can we please stop associating fur and feathers with fashion?

Please give this to boys as well!

how these two make me feel

Jealousy is ugly. White people spend so much money pumping shit into their lips trying to get them to look half as beautiful as this.

Gee, that’s cool. Like 30 years overdue, but still cool.

Thanks! I’ll remember to tell my 1982 self to play safely and avoid dooshwads like you.

Republicans love them some torture porn

Pretty sure beeber didn’t write that, so I still hate him.

That’s pretty funny coming from someone who has “moo” right in their name.

Yes, it’s real. Religious people persecute others all the time.

He is a special snowflake, dammit!

San Francisco spends a higher portion of taxes to fight homelessness than literally any other city in America. But we have an ideal climate, and people still view us as a place to begin again. So they keep coming.

that’s a backpfeifengesicht* if I ever saw one

Most Americans have a false vision of America

I think there’ll be flashbacks to Beth this season, too

probably already told you this a couple of times...