
I feel like Gawker Media and other entertainment news outlets are responsible. Splashing giant headers on the day of release with epiphets like “Dare Devil’s Third Season Is A Rollercoaster Ride That Ends On Slow Simmer” or “Dare Devil Season Three Proves It’s Easier To Be The Villains Than The Good Guys” put off

Old Testament persons were tantamount to apes that souls projected into to shape evolution as suited their purposes right then. Which was right and good at the time, but this was only because they didn’t yet have the Holy Spirit i.e. the Universal Ideal back to the Creator. So when they species began to grow too

Touching on your last clause...

All this peevish pontificating over policies and ruling that could be summed up as “An appeal to social fatalism over the Great Commandment or golden rule.” This is what happens when a country rides the accomplishment of ascetics from a hundreds years ago, and conditions self to think it’s entitled to this life by

I was already privy that psychotropic drugs are only simulants for DMT, which is able to forge a bridge between the higher dimensions or spiritual, and the borderland where our subconscious can confer with us. But this is the first time an article made me understand a personal conundrum. I kept trying to comprehend rea

tl;dr world-ending mongers have forgotten their heritage to the First Clause, wishing to shirk responsibility as co-laborers with God and the glories promised in completing their task. To this end, when circumstances remind them of longings unfulfilled, they blame others for their own turning away from the WAY, that

Who is the father of Happiness? Who is the father of Peace? The same that thou would serve in showing forth the Lord’s death till He come again. For he that is long-faced, he that is sorry for the world is sorry most for himself; and of such has He said, “Though in my name ye cast out demons, though ye heal the sick,

It’s not Fortnite that causes this, but Hulu. Everyone I’ve asked who notices crashes has confirmed they also have Hulu downloaded. Since I deleted mine none of my games have crashed, except once for ARMS in the 400 hours I have on it.

EA deserves only commendation. I believe you’re getting caught up in rhetoric and losing sight of the humanity you espouse on the end of those words. Sure, this is symptomatic of a sociological dissonance in our country, but we’re a part of this country and our brother’s keepers, whoever that may be who is in need.

But the manga has a different plot than Super, no? By definition both can’t be canon unless some Dragon Break (pun unintended) hijinks happen. Otherwise you can always deconstruct the psyche of their counterparts to be different no matter then minutiae of the context.

It could be that but I think it goes back longer. Some of the puzzles in Master Quest I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Like the one where you incredulously have to go back in time to grab a key you unlocked as Adult Link.

I was never a fan or knew who he really was but anyone who made the world a little better for having been a part of it deserves a good word at their end. Thank you for shedding some light on his legacy.

Very distasteful. I don’t care if 58 people starred you or if you’re not shilling for a celebrity fundraiser. C’mon. There’s a time and place.

Sorry, but if it’s an anime I really want to watch I make a point of seeing it alone. What if it’s not something I really want to watch? I don’t see it.

The epistemological juxtaposition between reality and truth that culminates in the Mandela Effect and its blissful ignorance that your mind is being reprogrammed by the “attention market” of social media. For me, most of our modern problems can be reduced to our inability to cope with the rise of mobile screen