
If you read the article, the first episode is “An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge"

why is everyone ignoring that stuff behind it...WHAT IS IT??

There’s absolutely no way they didn’t base Nathan off Nathan at least in part... Especially the personality

Uhhh Nathan Drake is based off of him... Didn’t naughty dog say so??

It would be cool if it was going to look like this... But it won’t... At all

You know exactly one is Korea is 5'7"

TRUTH...We are slowly but surely devolving back into amoebas i think

Penguins don’t walk to burn off the weight... They DANCE

Plenty of people have said to me, “Oh it’s a red light they HAVE to stop” or something along the lines of that...I tell them that doesn’t mean they WILL stop. Drivers are crazy...I don’t trust them

or drink milk

Bill Hader would be a great young Doc

Not really... Barely ... And totally different heights

Now playing

FINALLY This helped me find the video i’ve been looking for..classic

Depends which one you grew up with....Mario Kart 64 is probably better

that’s Maeby not Ilana though I always get them confused

Poe’s voice is.....horrible? I guess they weren’t even trying to sound like Oscar Issac?

Why can’t they make a real island with real puzzles and a real mystery to solve? I would gladly pay for that

Yea everything about this game looks great except for the fact that every puzzle is the same... It makes it seem so one dimensional

That’s one of the coolest gifs I’ve ever seen

How are you going to have Poe/Oscar Issac WITHOUT scruff??? He is so hairy I bet even lasers couldn’t give him a clean shave....amazing