
"Ooh! This is about as exciting as two giant companies suing one another gets—we're very interested to see how it one plays out."

right...because of all the rain and harsh weather we have in L.A.

He's barred from "unauthorized access to any Sony product under the law", and will be in deep trouble if he violates a Sony product's terms of service,

AFAIK IMAX runs at 24fps. The film itself is 70mm. IMAX running at 70fps would triple the size of the platters which are already huge.

The Tauntaun sleeping bag was cute and clever. This is sick...funny, but sick. It's enough of an effort trying to keep Disney, McDonalds and the rest from indoctrinating my kids.

Yeah, let's b careful there media people, that headline reads both ways. However, judging by blatant gimmickry of this ploy I'd say the phone is for "special" people.

Well, let's see if it takes off this time:

Before I even reached the end of the title I knew who's name would be on the byline.

absolutely. those others were good films but Terminator was by far the best story. It was the original and his best, and most complete bit of film making. more idea Cameron can rip-off

I wonder if all these clowns like Trip and corporations like GE had been paying their taxes all these years what our state and federal budgets/debts would look like?

Or people who don't use the Google.

...which begs the question: What were Porsche Cayennes built for?

It's not Netflix, I am sure they would prefer to keep the content. It is Showtime that is pulling the cancelling your Netflix sub you are tacitly supporting Showtime.

I may be crazy but I seem to remember way back when that the whole point of cable was that there were no ads because you were paying money for the service. Now you get to pay a monthly fee and watch ads...thank goodness for the DVR.

just checking but, do you pay for it i.e.contribute?

If those boost pads had been working they would have made it through.

the future looks very smudgy...

I don't understand the monikers "smartphone" and "dumbphone"