
Soft have you gone.

"What I'm saying is that the potato chip won't taste better after the Singularity because the future isn't the present on steroids. The future is a mutated bacteria that you never saw coming."

I didn't know Toyota made scooters.

I'm a little this only in box form?

@mantaTM: it's an electric Elect-ron if you will

Two words: Kelly's Heroes

@D.A.S.: he will yell at it and demand it settle down or get the fuck off his set.

@MrSatyre: What if they had come to Earth during the steam age?

Another system falls to the Empire.

@pmbaustin: amen! The death of iTunes would allow me to consider actually owning an iThing.

Once upon a time when I worked in production we were making a tire commercial. Just static beauty shots of cars on a sound stage. We had like12 or 16 cars...everything from a Jetta to the net yet for sale NSX.

She sounds like she may be related to

EA, Activision, and Lucas Arts.

" the beasts had been intentionally attracted to the spot by pic-a-nic baskets"

too soon?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Seems like PZ is overstating RK's meaning as many have noted about not having to simulate every single protein to get a functional model of the brains reasoning prowess. The brain obviously regulates alot of biological components that are not necessary for what RK is after.