Well at least shes hot. Cant say that about our reporters.
Well at least shes hot. Cant say that about our reporters.
I tried the honeycomb sdk port and fell in love. The app switching is something cm7 cant do. Wgat you said about it being a little thrown together might be true but ice cream should fix that.
Really? I was honestly about to say this looked fake.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Will the source be released anytime soon?
Agreed. Screwing around with my computer to make it do what is part of the fun of having a computer. Ive never understood the move away from normal desktops to full screen one at a time apps.
So zombie?
Maybe the gun shoots Tequila?
Reading the phrase "swarm of turtles" made my day
Its described in the bible as being "three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high"
Favorite/most disturbing episode ever
I have never picked up a newspaper in my life. Do people read them that much that they would pay $80 a year? Thats crazy.
im not sure what i just watched, but that was great
Just imagine watching the ground swallow tanks as they try to advance. Everyone would be running
Or bury it in a place where a tank will drive over it.
they look like an army of G-men...
If this works think of what will happen to computer hardware in five years...
Holy crap i just hugged my computer when i saw this picture
This is true. I was just making a terrible joke though. Thanks for the approval (though im not quite sure what that means...)