
*stares at laptop, mouth dropped open*

Haven't read the book because I couldn't care less but as a homosexualist with a weakness for pretty things and Julia Roberts despite the tragic shitshow she's become and also, hi, Javier Bardem I have to say that THAT. LOOKS. AWESOME. I can't wait to go see it alone while eating an entire large popcorn to myself and

@JinxyMcDeath: When I lived in LA and was an "actor", there was a company called Audience Associates that dealt solely in "casting" this kind of tomfoolery...I wonder if they still exist...

Is it okay that I think Andrew Young is kind of hot in an all-American uptight besuited 9-5 sort of way?

@samarkand: Ohhhh yes. That's the one. Bish crzy. It truly was a jaw-dropping moment. Then I heard Ira call out her book at the end and I thought wow, not only is this woman crazy but she also apparently sees no disconnect between going through THAT much crazy to meet a guy and then finding him kind of meh, and

Gottlieb was on an ep of "This American Life" called "Mind Games" not too long ago. Frankly, she is batshit. Full-tilt, balls (ovaries?) to the wall crackers crazy. And also, frankly, having just read "Fat Like Me", shallow, narcissistic and cruel. But mostly just batshit.

Three items:

*vomits on keyboard*

I can hardly wait for the obligatory Lifetime movie (meta!) titled, "A Family Untied: Out of the Spotlight and Out of My Darkness: A Love Among Women: Me And My Shadows: Cries in the Dark: Remember How Courteney Cox Used to Be on My TV Show?: The Meredith Baxter Story" starring Meredith as herself, Victoria Principal

@rengreen: Actually, he just put out a book of essays—forget the title, but it's brand new—that includes some of his Details columns. I haven't been able to find them online either though :( Reeeeeally wish I had torn out his columns all these years and kept them. Sigh.

If it's any consolation, I have never met a Details reader who wasn't, like myself, reading it for two reasons: 1, hot guys in fashion ads; and 2, for a HEAVY dose of "Aww, look at the benighted straight men with their articles that they fancy are being read by straight men instead of being mocked by homosexuals!"