John Teti

Hmm, well put. Thanks cappa

Disqus is working on it

Apologies for the delay on the open thread today, everyone!

Pardon me for quoting myself, but here's what I wrote about good Pyramid players in an old tribute to Dick Clark:

Shelley Smith

Wow, good memory. Nipsey and Soupy the orange cats are doing great!

That's so funny, Roswulf, the same thought occurred to me earlier today. It's a pretty slow week, maybe I'll write up some of the recent crazies from the mailbag. (They come through the physical mail too!)

Yes! I always wondered that too. Such a clumsy arrangement. Thanks for reading the piece, chalmers!

Hahaha, yes, that version's sole remaining superfan! "THEY GOT IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME."

Aw, thank you for saying that, Palmer. I'd love to write a book about game shows sometime. I just got a wonderful new book called The Matchless Gene Rayburn by a guy who knows even more about game shows than I do, Adam Nedeff. I've just perused parts of it so far, but it's a loving tribute to Gene that really fleshes

Haha yes! Nerdo Crombezia!

Ha, my time will come! I'm thoroughly delighted by what a good job Baldwin is doing—not that I thought he'd be BAD, but he's a pleasant surprise for sure.

Great comment, OP. They're still finding the sweet spot on the writing. The Playboy Mansion question was the best of the batch this week. I don't think they're pushing the line of propriety too much. It's a late-evening show, so I'm fine with stuff getting a little blue—but when it's not clever at the same time, as

There's still an advantage, though, as this Sunday's show demonstrated: Celebrities are more accustomed to being on camera, and they aren't under the pressure of having their own money on the line (still someone else's money, though, which is a special pressure of its own). Hindsight being 20-20, that contestant in

Yours is a great avatar in general, but especially for this comment.

I loved Strahan's little zinger to that effect at the open of this week's show.

Patti Deutsch was wonderful, wasn't she? She was fun on Tattletales, too.

Love the new Pyramid too. I'll probably write that up at some point. I'm totally charmed by Strahan as host. I think winning $10K+ after screwing up the Winner's Circle is too rich, though.

Fascinating analysis too! Thanks Solipschism

It's on the shortlist for sure!