John Teti

No official downsizing, but as I mentioned in another reply, the music section is due for a refresh. It's on the docket for 2016.

1. The views on the videos probably aren't enough to sustain them on their own right now, but we're focused on building an audience. The video viewing experience needs to get better.
2. I think it's a bit much to characterize a Great Job, Internet! about a contributor's web series as a "review" when it's clearly just

Good question, I could answer, but I'm going to have TV editor Erik Adams field this one, because he'll give you an even better response I'm sure

We've talked about it. In my opinion the site needs to be accessible to everyone, though. That is part of The A.V. Club ethos. So subscriptions would be for perks rather than access.

I usually can't listen to anything while I write—definitely nothing with lyrics—because I need to hear the rhythm of the words. I think most staffers do listen to stuff, in part because we work in an open office plan that's fairly noisy. AVC staffers are known for wearing huge headphones and blast music to screen out

Getting kind of low, might need a new drum soon, especially after this weekend

I'd love to have a Chicago commenter meetup

I write articles where I daydream about the feels I get from NFL quarterbacks, what do you think

We're all just pimping ourselves to get a Hollywood deal, and then SO LONG, SUCKERS.

You're quite welcome, Violetta, thanks for being a loyal reader. We always struggled to generate significant traffic for TV Club Classic, so it's on the back burner for the foreseeable future. I'm sorry but I have to be straight with you. We'll do the occasional classic series, but we're mostly focused on reviewing

There's a TI on the editorial calendar, so as far as I know, the answer is "yes." If it doesn't appear please ping me on Twitter, and sure, I'll post an open thread.

They were almost certainly because of your emails. We love getting tips from the regulars.

I want Great Job, Internet to dig deeper and to offer a wider variety of material. One thing regular readers might not realize is that GJI helps support a lot of the longform work we do. When some Darth Vader video or whatever the fuck is a big hit, that makes it a lot easier for us to publish a huge FOC about some

Yeah. I want us to do more stuff like that.

When I was in college, I started a little blog called "Idiot Of The Day." Every day I would make fun of some doofus from the news. It was all in fun, but after 9/11, the blog became harder for me to write. I was asking myself, how are you making the world better? What are you adding to the conversation by calling

I just didn't want to make other websites feel too bad about having inferior commentariats

I can't comment on upcoming hires, but we will be reassessing the music section in the new year because while there's good work happening there, the section as a whole has been somewhat neglected.

Hell no, the comments section is great. One thing I love about The A.V. Club is that it's a club, but it's a club that anybody can belong to. Like, high school A.V. clubs weren't picky; it wasn't the freaking cheerleader squad. If you were a nerd, you could belong. That welcoming community feel is essential to AVC. Do

No. I can't even remotely go into detail here, but no.

Thank you for asking that; it’s one reason I wanted to have this forum today. The interaction between the Star Wars Week layout and the comment threads was unacceptable, and nobody was more frustrated by it than I was. What upset me the most was that it made it seem like we don’t value the quality of the community