John Teti

Game show dorks unite! I'm pretty sure I talked about Match Game '7X in one of the Project Runway recaps this year, but I don't remember when. Pyramid is my favorite, though.

I DO hammer in the MORNING!

Thank you for that compliment, drdarkeny. I do think the show is entertaining in its own right, though. Some people react strongly against it, possibly because they make the mistake of taking it 100% seriously, which is not how it's meant to be watched. Which is not to say that it's 100% silliness, either. It's just

I will never forget!

That's what I had written — an editor got a little overzealous and "fixed" it for me.

Are you talking about All-Stars? I don't consider that to be part of Project Runway proper. I agree, though, that the lack of Tim will be pretty rough.

Yes, that was strange. The other three got a simple "You're in," while Kimberly got some clumsy legalese along the lines of, "You will be henceforth returning to New York to design clothes further."

Haha, love that.

Good analysis. I hope you are right about Viktor. I am pulling for him. But I wouldn't mind that much if Anya won. She's got that "catch a rising star" quality. I guess I echo what Dixie said above in that it's hard to care too much about the outcome of the finale this year. Josh can be pretty unpleasant, but as

I neglected to put it in Stray Observations, but it's in my notes as "Oh man, the French guy talking about women, god damn it." Good sense of humor about himself.

I don't think it was anything more than a reflexive clash of "reality TV = bad" and "art = good" attitudes. Except he enjoys shows like Project Runway and Survivor. In his defense, when I pointed out the irony of the whole Electronic ARTS deal, he conceded the point.

McMillen says on his developer blog that the Mac version is saving the achievements as you earn them, and a forthcoming update will connect that achievement data properly to Steam.

Maybe my favorite correction ever. Shame on me for my poor recall of wildlife (and for my bald desire to say the word "titmouse").

No worries about being nitpicky. I always appreciate a polite correction. And you are of course correct. I fixed it.

Anya is obviously a favored child. When I talk about "fake drama," I mean thin, trumped-up psychodrama, like the effort to turn Olivier's exceedingly minor spatting with his clients a couple weeks ago into an episode-driving storyline. There is a certain level of contrivance that the show is always going to possess

Holy crap is that ever on the mark. Don't give them any ideas.

I was definitely confused on this point. When I said "skirt," I was referring to the long, flowy, sheer part that descends from the bodice (made from the same fabric), because I thought they referred to these two portions as separate pieces. Now I realize that when they said "top," they were referring to that whole

Excellent point.

You might be right. After trying a few different spellings, I got a good Google result from "schmatte," so I went with that.

I don't have much to add to what Donna said, really. Olivier had actually grown on me the past few weeks (I love the "Little Prince" moniker — perfect!), but that goodwill was dashed as he went on and on about how supposedly enormous his client was, even to the guy's face. I don't buy the whole autism diagnosis, but