
Haha. You’re the fucking worst. So.... you bitch about time/article space wasted on an update, ALL OF WHICH HAVE PROVIDED NEW INFORMATION, then procede to not only obviously READ the articles, but then comment, and wait for replies. So this 30 second article, you have now spent more time bitchin about than just

Sniper Whores in Destiny arent impressive. Its an auto aim assist system. Yes, hes obviously a good sniper. But the pvp is broken now. Allowing only 1 gun type to dominate is awful pvp balance.

All this does is show me why you dont put dumb ass AUTO AIM on a fucking 1 shot sniper rifle. Its so stupid. Change the game name to Sniper Destiny. Its pointless to PVP unless you just feel like slutting out a single weapon type. And to me, thats shit multiplayer.

I have been on the fence of Vita purchase for a bit, mostly because I found out remote play isn’t what I wanted and I cant just play FF10 remastered from my ps4 all day on my Vita. Destiny works on your Vita though?